b'90537 538BREWERY INTEREST. Silver platedWENDT Australian silver ladies cheese dish and cover engravedpurse with BROKEN HILL inscription Presented To Thos. Aitken Esq. On HisPresented To Mrs. A. OLIVER By Her Birthday By His Employees As A TokenEmployees With Much Respect And Of Esteem, Victoria Parade Brewery,Esteem And Best Wishes For Her March 23, 1882. Future Happiness With Compliments Scottish born THOMAS AITKEN arrivedOf The Season Xmas 1893. Hans, in Victoria in 1842 and by 1851 heCissey, Molly, Annie, Emily. ROYAL had established The Corio BreweryEXCHANGE HOTEL BROKEN HILL. in Geelong. By 1854 Aitken had setInterior sumptuously fitted and with up a grand brewing enterprise in Eastoriginal plush leather box.Melbourne called The Victoria ParadeStamped J.M.W. with crown and Brewery. The brewery building, nowlion marks.apartments still dominates the East10cm high, 175 gramsMelbourne skyline. By the time of$8001,200his death in 1884 the brewery was considered one of the most successful businesses in Melbourne. Eventually the company combined with others to form Carlton and United Breweries.33cm high$1,0001,500541537'