137  A hooked boomerang, Central Desert, early 20th century carved hardwood and natural earth pigments 65cm long PROVENANCE Phil White, Moulamien, New South Wales $400–600 ❖ 138 Two boomerangs, Central Desert, 19th century carved wood and natural earth pigments 66cm; 65cm long (2) PROVENANCE Black's Museum, Mount Gambier SA; Henry Kingdon, Melbourne $400–600 ❖ 139  A collection of seven objects and adornments, Central Australia, early- mid 20th century human hair, wood, bush string and natural earth pigments 14cm-33cm wide (7) $600–800 140  Four human string balls, Central Australia, early-mid 20th century human hair 10cm-14cm high (4) $300–500 141  A bark container, Kimberley region, early 20th century bark, string and natural earth pigments 70cm long PROVENANCE Collected in 1944 Jack Byham, Cobram, Victoria $400–600 ❖ 140 139 32