b'54486486* 1 Olive-Brown & Pale Blue [BW:52E] in a well centred corner block of (4) from the upper-left ofthe sheet, with Jubilee lines, the 4th unit with a lightly toned perf. A rarely seen multiple in a rare shade. Cat.$30,000. SG.44b - 13,000. $12,00015,000ex 487 488 489 491487S * 1 Brown & Blue and 2 Black & Rose optd SPECIMEN Type B, 1 hinge remnant, 2 nibbed perfs,MLH; BW: 52x & 56x - Cat. $1600. (2) $350450488S**1 Brown & Blue overprinted SPECIMEN Type B, unmounted. .$400500489S** 2 Black & Rose overprinted SPECIMEN Type B, unmounted. $400500 490O 1 Grey, FU; perf. fault at upper left corner. $100150 491S** 1 Grey overprinted SPECIMEN Type B, light bend at lower left corner, unmounted. .$500750 CofA Watermark492** 6d Chestnut and 9d Violet, 2 shades of each, well centred MUH. (4). .$200250 ImagesLot numbers in black indicate lots not illustrated in this catalogue but which are available online at www.leski.com.au'