b"136918 922Vintage chrome aeroplane ornament inscribed WITHJAPANESE SURRENDER 1945, group of 32 black and white COMPLIMENTS OF HINDUSTAN AIRCRAFT P. Ltd.photographs of General Yamashita surrendering in the field to BANGALORE, INDIA, Allied forces. Unpublished images taken by Australian soldier 16cm high, 18cm wingspan DON WRIGHT. 32 images, sheet size 10 x 13.5cm each (32)$150250 $300500 919 923ADOLF GALLAND - GERMAN WWII FIGHTER ACE: boldThree ornate whip handles by VERNAN HENRY YATES 40th signature of the Luftwaffe General on a black & whiteBattalion, The Derwent Regiment (Tasmania). Three fine and photograph (11x7cm), housed in photo frame, overall 19x14cm. unusual examples from the 1930s made from Tasmanian Galland and his fighter squadron were credited with destroyingtimbers inlaid with metal work depicting various symbols and 100 Allied planes during the Battle Of Britain. He was quicklymotifs many to do with horse racing which was a passion promoted to General at just age of 30, making him theof Yates. Yates was born at Sorell, Tasmania in 1900, and youngest General in the German armed forces. His promotionenlisted in the army June 1942.saw him placed in charge of Germany's air defences, butthe largest 48cm long (3)by 1944 the tides of war had changed and both Hitler and$300500 Goering blamed him for the ever increasing allied bombing raids on the homelands, which eventually lead to his removal924from the office. He survived the war and eventually passed away in 1996. WWII NEW ZEALAND SERVICE MEDALS: including Africa $150250Star, Italy Star, 1939-45 Star, Defence Medal (2), War Medal 1939-45 (2) and For Service Medal, all uninscribed, with ribbons. (8)920 $300400 JOSEPH HERMAN RAAF 466 SQUADRON - CATERPILLAR CLUB: Personal effects of miracle WWII survivor Joseph925Herman who on the night of November 4, 1944 was piloting a Handley Page Halifax B III bomber over Germany when hitWWII PHOTOGRAPHS - LABUAN & JAPANESE SURRENDER: by anti-aircraft fire. Although not wearing his own parachute,album of black & white photographs (mostly 6x9cm, some he ordered the crew to bail and whilst crawling to retrieve hislarger) taken in Labuan in 1945, included are images of own parachute the plane exploded leaving a fully consciousLieutenant-General Masoa Baba, Commander of the 37th Army Herman to free fall from 18,000 feet. Herman knowing hein Borneo on arrival in Labuan, with photos showing (1) the faced certain death relaxed and dropped 12,000 feet whilstarrival aircraft, (2) the Commander surrounded by Australian admiring the moonlit scenery beneath. At 6,000 ft somethingtroops after disembarking, (3) the Japanese commander seated hit him with great force which he instinctively grabbed hold of,in American Jeep, under armed escort, awaiting transportation and he realized that he was holding a pair of legs (belongingto Surrender Point, (4) Surrender Ceremony at the wooden to Flying Officer John Vivash, the planes mid-upper gunner).shack known as Surrender Point; other images including post-Both crew members survived, Vivash landing feet first onmortem images of Japanese casualties, Australian servicemen, Hermans chest breaking two of his ribs. After 4 days on theand local inhabitants. (50+ photos)run the Germans captured the pair, and Herman spent theLieutenant-General Masoa Baba was tried as a war criminal remainder of the war interred as POW at Stalag III Camp. in 1947 on charges related to the Sandakan Death March. He Amongst the effects are his German Stalag III identificationwas sentenced to death and hung on 8th July, 1947form, German WWII metal and cloth badges & banknotes$200300 souvenired by Herman whilst interred, RAAF propeller badge, RAAF sterling silver wings badge, Rising Sun badges and numerous military buttons, enamel badges including Air Force Association, POW Association membership badge, Caterpillar Club certificate of Membership and club postcard to Herman dated 1st August 1945, golden caterpillar pin badge with Hermans name engraved on reverse, RAAF and Caterpillar Club ties, RAAF cloth wings, dog tags, and related literature.The Caterpillar Club, founded by Leslie Irvin in 1922, is an informal association of airmen who have successfully used a parachute to bail out of a disabled aircraft.$2,5003,000921DOUGLAS BADER - BRITISH WWII FIGHTER ACE: printed photographic image (20x25cm) of Bader standing on the wing of his Hurricane, boldly signed in ink Good Luck Robert, Douglas Bader, 14/7/80.Bader was befriended by German ace Adolf Galland (see lot 919), shortly after bailing out over German occupied France in 1941.$120160 918"